Sen. Mike Lee: Senate Republicans Must Advance SAVE Act

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, exhorted his fellow Republicans in the upper chamber to support attaching an election integrity measure to the upcoming funding bill despite the risks of doing so, forcing a government shutdown chief among them.

The day the 2024 NFL season opens Thursday, Lee used a football analogy in a guest column for The Hill to implore Republicans to advance the SAVE Act, a measure passed by the House — with the help of Democrats — and endorsed by presidential nominee Donald Trump, “the coach of the team” known as the Republican party.

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which the House passed in July with five Democrats also voting for it, ensures that only U.S. citizens vote in elections by requiring proof of citizenship. Trump over the summer urged Republicans to “pass the SAVE Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep.”

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