Rep. Hern to Newsmax: Media Fueling Nazi-Style Disinformation

Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., told Newsmax the left-leaning media is “in bed for the Democrats” similar to “what the Nazis did” with “complete disinformation.”

Hern made the comparison on “Prime News” as it relates to the media’s portrayal of former President Donald Trump as soft on Russia.

“You know, you remember the famous 2012 moment when President [Barack] Obama leaned over to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and said, ‘Let me get reelected and we can work some good things out.’ Then he got [President Joe] Biden for four years. You know, the in-between there he had President Trump, which was miserable for the Russians,” Hern said. “And they tried to buy off Hunter Biden and did buy off Hunter Biden and the Biden family.”

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