Dershowitz to Newsmax: DNC Was Last Straw

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Monday that he quit the Democratic Party after watching “all those hard left, radical… antisemitic” speakers at the Democratic National Convention.

“People like Keith Ellison, who may be the next attorney general, who was a big supporter of Louis Farrakhan, the bigoted head of the Black Muslim movement. Reverend [Al] Sharpton, who led antisemitic pogroms against Jews in the Bronx and in Brooklyn. These were featured speakers,” Dershowitz said on “Rob Schmitt Tonight.”

Dershowitz said the “fringe” of the party has far too much influence, specifically, “‘the Squad,’ the people like [Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth] Warren and [Vermont Sen. Bernie] Sanders,” who walked out on [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress over the summer. Dershowitz said even “Harris herself… refused to comply with her constitutional duty to preside over the Senate when Netanyahu was speaking.”

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