Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rubio and Cruz Band Together

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz banned together at times to attack Donald Trump in the latest Republican debate last night. They questioned his business practices and record, including the fact that Trump has yet to release his tax records. Read MORE.MORE

Will Rubio Team up with Cruz?

There will most likely only be one candidate who will be able to take on Trump. Is Rubio saying he’ll team up with Cruz and support him against Trump? Read MORE.MORE

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck discusses his career, his choices in life, religion and of course the presidential candidates in a recent blog post. Read it HERE.MORE

Why Are We Still in the U.N.?

This Wednesday, lawmakers will discuss claims that the head of a U.N. agency transferred computers to North Korea and Iran and ordered collection of staffer’s DNA for illegal purposes in a testimony. MOREMORE

SportsFest 2016

Join us for one of Nashville’s premier family events, SportsFest! Enjoy an interactive family experience, where children and parents can play, explore and learn just about everything sport related from experts, athletes and sports leaders. The day long festival includes: demos, inflatables for the kids, our star-studded Speaker Series and more. What: SportsFest When: Saturday, March…MORE