Anti-Christian Bias Claims by Fired School Official

A U.S. Court of  Appeals ruled on Tuesday that a former assistant principal may continue with his religious discrimination lawsuit against his former school district, which allegedly fired him for “religious comments” he made objecting to a school play about the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a young gay college student.

A three-judge panel on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously reversed a lower court’s dismissal of the lawsuit, saying that the plaintiff, Corey McNellis, had provided enough circumstantial evidence against the defendant, Douglas County School District, “to give rise to an inference of discrimination,” the Hill reported.

“[McNellis] alleged he was treated less favorably than other DCSD employees and claimed DCSD’s termination decision was ‘premised on [his] religious beliefs. We agree,” U.S. Circuit Judge Veronica Rossman, a Biden appointee, wrote for the court.

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